Eye and Ear Protection is Required


The Indoor Pistol Range will be closed from 9:30am - 12:00pm on Thursdays for routine cleaning

Indoor Pistol Range

The Indoor Pistol Range is located in the basement of the PSA Clubhouse. This is a pistol range, no rifle caliber ammunition is allowed even if being shot from a pistol platform. Other cartridge restrictions and range rules are listed on the range.

This range is setup to shoot at 50 feet primarily for precision (bullseye) pistol shooting and practice. However any distance from 25 yard or closer can be fired if all participating shooters agree to a common firing line.

All targets should be hung from the target clip provided on each point (the green/yellow target hanger) and in such a way that all shots fired on target will safely strike the backstop. This target position is approximately at head level. Only paper targets are to be shot on this range.