JOAD - Junior Olympic Archery Development Program (Indoor)

The Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) program is an official program of USA Archery .  JOAD helps archers enjoy the sport recreationally or progress to the excitement of competition.

JOAD offers barebow, recurve and compound archers the opportunity to learn range safety and proper shooting technique in an environment that also fosters safety, focus, increased self-confidence, and team building skills.  Palmyra Sportsmen's JOAD classes teach the fundamentals of proper shooting form; as the young archer develops, they will learn more advanced techniques and earn achievement awards (archers earn achievement pins based on their scores).

We offer instruction to recurve and compound bow shooters.

All archers will shoot from 18 meters (approx. 20 yards), and must be able to safely handle their bow at this distance.

Our program starts at the age of 9 and continues until the archer's 19th birthday year.

This program starts in November and continues weekly through April.

Throughout the duration of the program, there are opportunities for the archers to compete locally.

Our registration starts at the club’s Family Fun Field Day in October.  Spaces are limited and the program fills up quickly.

Participation in the PSA JOAD Program requires a current USA Archery Membership.  ALL ARCHERS MUST HAVE THEIR OWN EQUIPMENT.  You can learn more about the USA Archery JOAD Program by visiting the USA Archery website.

Please contact Scott Rissinger for more information:

Palmyra Sportsmen's Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

410 Sportsman Rd. Annville, PA 17003



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