Mason-Dixon Field Target SeriesThe Mason-Dixon Field Target Series is a seasonal aggregations of scores from multiple Field Target clubs along the Maryland / Pennsylvania border. This series is to encourage competitors to participate in at least one event at each club during the season. Participating clubs are:
All field target events, following AAFTA rules, are events where you can earn series points. Some events may be rescheduled or cancelled throughout the year. For up to date event info, contact the individual club, or check the forums for changes to planned event dates. | Current Season Results |
Scoring SystemA competitor will be able to earn a maximum of 100 points at any given event. The top match scorer at the event will earn 100 points (100 percent) and their score will be used to determine the other competitors' scores at the event. If the top scorer shoots a 55 out of 60 possible points, 55 is the top score. The top scorer will have a series score of 55/55 for the event, which is 100% = 100 series points. A person that scored a 51 at the same event will earn 51/55 = 92.73%. If for some reason, the top score does not exceed 75% of the possible points, the top scorer for the event will not earn 100 series points, instead they will earn a percent of 75% (rounded up) of possible points. For example, if the match has 60 possible points, then 75% is a 45/60. If the top scorer at the event shot a 44, their series score will be 44/45 = 97.78% for the event. A competitor's top series score at a club is their club series score. It is ok to shoot at a club multiple times to try to improve your score. Again, 100 is the max you can score at a club. There can be (and probably will be) multiple competitors that score a 100 at a club in a season. At a single event, ties are not broken, if two competitors finish with the same raw score, they will earn the same series points. Participation is an important factor in this series, so even if you did not finish, you will be awarded at least one point to indicate you participated in the event. If your score is known at the point of DNF, that score will be used if it's above a 1. For example, if someone stops shooting after scoring 5 points, they can score a 5 / (top score) for their series points. A competitor's top 4 club scores are used to determine their series score for the season, with the max 4-club score being 400. The fifth club score is used as a tie breaker. If still tied for the 5-club score, the number of participated events will be used as a tie breaker. And, if still tied (with in a division) attempts will be made to manually determine head-to-head event scores in a skins-like scoring system to determine the season winner. If still tied, then it's a tie. A competitor can join multiple divisions throughout the season. For example, you can shoot PCP Hunter for the first have the season, and shoot PCP Open the second half (or mix and match throughout the season). You will generate series points within the series division(s) you are participating. Participation points are determined at the competitor level, regardless of the variety of divisions participating. So, if you shoot 10 events as PCP Hunter, and 11 events as PCP Open, you will have 21 participation points that can be used for the tie breaker in PCP Hunter, and 21 participation points for PCP Open. If you participate in multiple divisions, you will see your name listed multiple times in the series results. Divisions generally follow the AAFTA divisions, but are combined for this series due to minimal participation in certain AAFTA divisions. If we see an increase in participation, we may choose to uncombine and follow the AAFTA division definitions. The following divisions are recognized, as described by their AAFTA division affiliation.
Past Season Results
* 2024 was not an official Mason-Dixon FT Series season, scores were collected throughout the season to serve as a proof of concept. Some 2024 events do not have complete scores and may have been recreated from the memory of those in attendance. It's believed that any missing scores did not affect the outcome of those toward the top of the rankings. |
Palmyra Sportsmen's Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
410 Sportsman Rd. Annville, PA 17003